

The 主要准备工作 Program is designed to provide the background necessary for employment as an elementary or secondary school principal, or assistant principal 在相关或相似的职位上. 该计划提供两个专业:

  1. MA in 教育al Leadership and 政府 with PreK- Age 22 Principal Licensure (主要): Candidates who complete this 33-credit hour concentration qualify for the M.A. in 教育al Leadership and 政府 and the PreK– Age 22 Principal endorsement 获得伊利诺斯州专业教育工作者执照.
  2. 仅限主牌照(ELPP): Candidates who complete this 30-credit hour post-master’s Certificate of Advanced Study option qualify for a principal 许可证 (only) on a Professional Educator License. This endorsement requires the successful 完成 of the Training in Evaluation of Certified Personnel, and Content Area Tests for Principals (subtests 195 和196年).


For program 完成, candidates for the PreK - Age 22 Principal Endorsement must:

  1. 持有地区认可机构的硕士或更高学位.
  2. Document at least 4 total years of successful teaching or school support personnel 经验
  3. 通过两项主要测试(195和196).


This program prepares candidates to become transformational urban school leaders.


  1. 持有地区认可机构的硕士或更高学位;
  2. Document at least 4 total years of successful teaching or school support personnel 经验; and
  3. Pass the Illinois Content Area Tests for Principals (subtests 195 和196年).

要申请这个项目,候选人应该去 在这里 and then follow the instructions provided on this homepage in submitting their application 在线. Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended, (except CSU), 是必需的. 有关申请程序的问题应直接向办公室提出 of 研究生 and Professional Studies at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址, (773) 995-2404 or grad-admissions@vbl-design.com

欲索取更多资料:  请到 在这里.

The principal preparation program is open to highly qualified educators with at least three years of teaching or school support personnel 经验 or equivalent out-of-state 许可证. Candidates must have four years of 经验 at the 完成 of the program.


  1. Have an earned bachelor’s 学位 from an accredited college or university.
  2. 平均绩点(GPA)为3分.0(4分制). A 2.平均绩点是75 有条件录取.
  3. (在网上申请系统中)提供一份简历.
  4. Provide (in the 在线 application system) a personal written and concise essay describing his/her academic and research background, career goals, and reason for applying to 这个学位课程.
  5. Provide two Letters of Recommendation from supervisors, (which need to be uploaded 直接由推荐人进入在线申请系统).
  6. Provide (in the 在线 application system) employment verification on school letterhead. Applicants must have worked as teachers or school support personnel for three (3) 申请时的年数. 在项目完成后,候选人将被期望 主背书需要四(4)年.


  1. A course-by-course transcript evaluation from 教育 Credentials Evaluators (ECE) 或世界教育服务(WES).
  2. Proof of English Proficiency: TOEFL/IELTS Official Score Report or Waiver Application
  3. International Student Packet: - Bank Statement; and Notarized Financial Statement 赞助表格及证明书.


  1. 伊利诺伊州校长作为教学领导测试-子测试195和196
  2. Illinois State Board of 教育’s mandated Teacher Evaluator Training and are certified 作为教师评估员.
  • ELCF 5150*: Leading and Implementing 研究-Based Practices (4学时/20个领域)
  • ELCF 5235*:管理 & 特殊和普通教育项目的监督 (4学时/20个领域)
  • ELCF 5245*:监督 & 读写和计算能力评估(4学时/20个领域)
  • ELCF 5335*:学校法律例外 & 通识教育(3学时)
  • ELCF 5348*:主要实习(6学时)
  • ELCF 5375*:管理财政资源和运营(3学时)
  • ED 5960:教育研究基础(3学时)
  • ELCF 5725*: Technology for Effective Teaching and Administrative Use (3 credit 小时)
  • ELCF 5985*: Leadership in Creating a Peaceful and Productive School Climate (3 credit 小时)

*注意: 主要准备背书所需的课程.

Candidates must, prior to graduation, fulfill the following general requirements:

  • 四(4)年教学或学校辅助人员经验.
  • 成功完成所有课程所需的学分.
  • 绩点3分.0或更高的分数必须在课程中保持,并且是获得学位所必需的 完成.
  • 完成为期一年的密集实习经验(ELCF 5348).
  • 教师评估员证书.
  • Passing Score Report for the Illinois Licensure Test for Principals (Subtests 195 和196年).
  • 三个学期的实习经历.
  • All coursework for the 学位, including transfer credits, must have been completed 在允许的六年内完成课程.
  • The final assessment professional portfolio must be submitted through LiveText and 由指定的项目协调人批准.
  • Each candidate must be evaluated on professional dispositions through LiveText.

Dr. Athanase Gahungu,项目协调员



电话: (773) 995-2086





  • 是的. Student may transfer 9 credit hours of graduate credit earned at other accredited colleges and universities that were not used towards 学位 requirements or applied 到188bet金宝搏官网登录网址攻读学位.
  • For an evaluation of transfer credit taken prior to admission at CSU, the student must indicate on the application for admission any transfer credit he/she wishes to 已经考虑.
  • All courses must have been taken within the six-year time limit given for completing 授予研究生学位之前的学位课程. 取得的成绩必须 成绩至少为B或以上.

The curriculum of the 主要准备工作 Program is based on the following standards:

  • 国家教育领导准备(NELP)建设水平
  • Professional Standards for 教育al Leaders (PSEL) by the National Policy Boars 教育行政
  • 伊利诺伊州学校领导绩效标准(IPSSL)
  • 符合文化的教学及领先标准
  • 伊利诺伊州专业教学标准(IPTS)

The 学位 will take a minimum of four (4) semesters, and a maximum of two (2) years. Students are given a six-year time limit within which to complete their 学位.


  • 是的.  The master’s 学位 can only be awarded to candidates who have achieved a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better in all required and elective courses applied toward the master’s 学位. Students who fall below this standard will be placed on academic probation.
  • A course in which a grade of D of F was obtained can be repeated once to obtain a C级以上.
  • Once admitted to a 学位 计划, no more than two grades of C can be earned in any graduate or professional course taken within the curriculum offered in that graduate 计划, 这些课程是否属于学生课程的一部分. W在这里 a student has two grades of “I” outstanding on the graduate record, the student 是否会被审查试用状态.



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